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9th CaviArt by Martin Jeremias, Head of Fish Farming

The 9th CaviArt for the start of the 2022/2023 season will once again appear in specially designed packaging. What makes it special is that the 2022 design was created by the Head of Fish Farming - a tribute to the origins of caviar from Frutigen.

Icy glamour for enjoyment from the depths

"The 9th CaviArt was not designed by an artist or a celebrity, as has been customary in the past, but by a personality who is both a private artist and has a very strong connection to caviar," reveals Beate Makowsky, Head of Marketing & Communication and Deputy Managing Director at Tropenhaus. The choice fell on Martin Jeremias, Fish Farming Team Leader, who has been working at the Tropenhaus for 11 years. The passionate hunter and angler and trained fish master has been an artist from an early age. His works have already been exhibited at Frutigen Hospital.

"The fascination for our caviar was a great inspiration for the design of the 9th CaviArt," explains Martin Jeremias. "With my design, I wanted to emphasise the nobility of caviar. I also incorporated the Ice Cube with the lustre of the glass or ice. The colour symbolises pleasure from the depths. The sturgeon depicted symbolises the origin and tranquillity; with its posture, it looks after the caviar, so to speak," continues Martin Jeremias.
